Friday, April 06, 2007

Arivina mane locations and Directions

Arivina mane location and direction in google maps

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Invitation to a Story Performance at Akiappa Garden Library, Yeshwantpur

"There have been great societies that did not use the wheel,
but there have been no
societies that did not tell stories."
—Ursula K. LeGuin

The members of
Arivina Mane - A Community Library, Akiappa Garden,
Yeshwantpur, Bangalore
invite you to a Story Performance by Kathalaya this Thursday
(Read about Kathalaya at
Thursday, 5th April, 2007
11 am - 1 pm
Arivina Mane- The Community Library, Akiappa Garden
11:00 Prayer
11:05 Welcome - Chief Functionary, Paraspara Trust
11:15 A Message for the Children – by the Guests of Honor from Motorola India Pvt. Ltd
- Mr. Sammy Sana, Managing Director, India Software
- Mr. Mohan Kumar, Corporate Vice President
- Mr. V S Ravindra, Operations Manager
11:30 The Community thanks Motorola - Mr. Elumalai, President, Community Based Organization
11:40 Story Performance - by Kathalaya
1.A spider who stole the sun
Props Used: Hand Puppets
2.Chinari the green worm who became a butterfly
Props used: Stick puppets
3. Shoe in the forest
Props used: picture stories
12:20 Mask Making
12:50 Vote of Thanks

Your presence means a lot to us.
Warm Regards,
Organizing Team
ILP and Paraspara Trust

Directions to the venue:
The library is located in Akiappa Garden, in a low income community facing the railway line Yeshwantpur
(north side cabin).

From Mekhri Circle:
* Take the CV Raman Road, past the Indian Institute of Science
* Go past the Circle opposite the Institute main gate, towards Yeshwantpur
*Take the first right. This is MS Ramiah Road – Take it towards Mathikere.
*Continue till the end of the road : Landmark Mathikere Bus-stop *Take a left at this junction.
*Go past Jai Bhuvaneshwari Bus Stop and the JP Park – which will all come to your
*Continue until you hit a long wall- The road becomes a mud-track from here. Alight
here. One of our volunteers should be at this place. We will walk you through the mud-road to the community library. (Area is also called Mohan Kumara Nagar) The red and pink lines on the map give the directions from Mekhri circle.

(click image to enlarge)