more energy you will have.
~ Norman Vincent Peale
Dear Mentors & Volunteers,
We express our heartfelt thanks to all of you who made this Mentors Meet a success. Attended by 24 mentors & volunteers, it was a forum in which mentors shared their experiences, Mr. Pramod Kulkarni unveiled Prerana's plans for the coming academic year and we discussed various opportunities for volunteering at ILP.
This day wouldn't have been possible without the efforts of many and most of all, your esteemed presence. Your presence means a lot because in the process of taking this mentoring initiative forward, it helps us document your experiences which will come handy for the new mentors. We hope that all mentors would attend the future mentor meets.
I take this opportunity to thank -
Ruchira - Who did most of the work for me :-) I really mean it. She's helped in planning and execution which made this event possible.
Sindhu - For providing timely suggestions and inputs to organize in a better way, help obtain the documentary for screening, coming up with the volunteer activity list and briefing everyone at the Meet.
Akshatha - On whom I transferred half my burden of calling and following up with the mentors.
Devika - For taking care of the logistics and setting up t-shirts for sale.
Kiran - for volunteering to take minutes of the meet, even though documentation is a boring aspect :-)
Special thanks to all the board members and well wishers for your
inspirational presence.
"Thank You" to each one of you and please pardon me if I've missed any.
Ashwin.(On behalf of Organizing Team)